Monday, September 6, 2010

first day of work

Tomorrow is my first day of work and the feelings going through my head are many. I feel like a first grader about to embark on my first day of elementary school. I'm packing my new looking bag with the important stuff I need to bring for my first day orientation. Packing my sandwich for lunch in my spiderman lunchbox (not the most grown up thing really, but oh well) and snacks in case I get hungry during the day (breakfast is at 530am so I'm bound to get hungry at 8am). Laying out my work clothes for the next day. Nervously wondering if I will make friends. Wondering what lunch is like. Dreading the traffic. Hoping I won't fall asleep on my first day because I'm exhausted from waking up so early. Wondering if I will know how to do things on my first day. Hoping I will get a long with my office mate and manager. aish. Well enough wondering for one night, and time to see how it will go. Good night, world. In the morning my working adult life begins.